Exploring the Unequally Yoked

Today we’re going to explore what it means to be a Christian and why it’s difficult for an unequally yoked couple to last..


What does it mean to be a Christian?
After accepting Jesus as their savior, a Christian is someone who is actively perusing a life like Christ. A Christian isn’t someone who simply believes that Jesus EXISTED. Does this mean that Christians are perfect? No. Does it mean that they will make mistakes? Yes. Does it mean they can go out with the intent of sinning and ask for forgiveness later? Wellllll, not quite. Jesus isn’t slow, dumb, or stupid. It’s not okay to know that you’re doing wrong and expect some forgiveness later. Hebrews 10:26 says, “Dear friends, if we deliberately continue sinning after we have received knowledge of the truth, there is no longer any sacrifice that will cover these sins.”

If you aren’t actively perusing Jesus and building a relationship with Him, how much of a Christian are you? If their wasn’t any work necessary for this Christian life, don’t you think more people would be going to Heaven? (I say this strictly based off of the life they have lived) 2Tim 2:19-21 says, “Everyone who confesses the name of the Lord must turn away from wickedness.” So Think about this: How can you claim to be a Christian and not act like one? If you are not striving to be LIKE Christ (or be a Christian), you are of the World.

let’s talk about the differences between someone that is actively pursuing a closer relationship with Christ and someone that isn’t..

Being a Christian is NOT EASY. You hear ministers say it all the time but seriously, they aren’t lying. One difficulty when you have a relationship with Him, you deal with conviction. When u think, act on, or are tempted to do something you know God wouldn’t approve of, this convicting spirit is there to constantly eat at you. It’s worse than the worst possible nagging girlfriend/boyfriend or mother you can ever experience. It’s a warning of you going in the wrong direction or doing the wrong things. At the same time, it’s a gift to keep you safe and on the right path.

Being of the world is.. Easier, sometimes. I say it’s easier because you are free to think, act, and feel however and whatever you want without any guilt. There’s this “pleasure” of “Not Knowing”. Sometimes as we raise our young children they tend to take things that aren’t theirs, skip class, lie, etc. They do it because they don’t know better. But as parents, the role is to make the children aware of the consequences. Once they gain understanding, they are then at fault for the wrongs they do. I mean, How can you blame a person for not knowing? In this situation, the small children are the unbelievers and the parents are the Spirit. Those That Are Christians But Do Not Act As So, DO NOT COUNT! They are NOT covered by the excuse of not knowing. Ok? So, Being of this World, there are rarely ever any pressures to constrain yourself in tempting situations of sex, talking back, who not to hang around with, what type of music to listen to, or even what shows to watch, unless it’s a value set in place amongst a morally focused family. Many people that aren’t Christians see the bible to be a book of rules and restricts. And I don’t blame them! That’s what it looks like until there is a RELATIONSHIP between you and Jesus. When you establish that relationship with Him, the a bible doesn’t look like a bunch of rules, but you choose to try to abide my his Word because you LOVE him.

So let every man examine himself:
Do you love Jesus? I mean, do you REALLY love Jesus? Some view love as a feeling, but it is more than that. It is a decision followed by action

“Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.” (John 14:23)

There is clear evidence of someone that is actively perusing Jesus. There is evidence in someone that has a strong relationship with Christ. Whatever is in you, will come out. Now, that I’ve cleared that up, lets quickly get to the meat of what I’m really trying to say.. Lol

Person 1: is going hard for Jesus, ok? They want to follow Jesus with all they have.
Person 2: is a Lukewarm Christian, which by definition of the Bible, isn’t exactly a Christian at all. “So, because you are lukewarm–neither hot nor cold–I am about to spit you out of my mouth.”(Rev. 3:16) Person 2 claims to want to do the same as Person 1 but isn’t trying to read their bible, pray regularly, fast, go to church, use their Faith, or witness to others.
Person 1: wants to maintain a relationship with person 2 that measures up to the Word. Which means by honoring The Lord with her soul, heart, and mind. Body included..
Person 2: doesn’t understand the reason for not having sex, for example. They accuse person 1 for taking that away from THEM. They get upset and frustrated that all these new “rules” (hence, all things commanded by the bible) has come into play. It doesn’t measure up to THEIR plan. THEY DONT UNDERSTAND Because Understanding comes from a relationship with Jesus. A relationship they claim to have but show no evidence in creating.

One cannot follow Jesus and be with someone that doesn’t have the desire to. My dad has always told me this concerning spirituality, “you are going to do either one of two things in a relationship: you’re going to Follow or you’re going to Lead” there can’t be two leaders choosing to go in opposite directions. There would be no room for Growth. Why? Because That person will be likely to persuade you to do things that they think is Just.

“Do not be misled: ‘Bad company corrupts good character.’”
(1 Corinthians 15:33)



  1. Reblogged this on and commented:
    This post from xohaircrush spoke volumes. We all need to examine ourselves and our relationships. I hope it helps someone else too.

  2. So true! You talk about what I experienced yesterday! After church, we had the opportunity to speak to people in a park. A lot of people call themselves christians but they are far away to know what is it to be a Christian. I m french and in France, it´s very difficult to talk about jesus because of people’s rejection and mistrust. They really don’t want to hear about the existence of any god.. A lot of young people in my church, don’t want to let behind them their lives in the world. Thank you so much, May I share it and translate it to my friend? 🙂

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